Thursday, July 31, 2008

Oklahoma 'Crunch Time' Primary Results | Freeople

Well folks, we won some, we lost some, and some are yet to be decided! For detail stats and returns see the report here on KOCO (OKC): (there is a drop down menu where you can choose the type of race and area of the state in order to view details)

Runoff election Aug 26th

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Crunch Time in Oklahoma - Vote Tuesday, July 29th!

R3PUBLICANS Encourage You to Get Out and 
Vote in the Primary Election Tuesday,  July 29th!  

Multiply your vote by adding relevant information to this document then pass it on to your friends and neighbors.  

Add information about your local races and share the information via email or by phone or over the back fence.     

[Editor's note - post contains candidate information and links statewide]/sc

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Gary Casey for OK State Senate District 33 (2008) | Freeople

I am a Constitutional Conservative that believes the government has had an established framework of conduct that was designed by our forefathers over 200 years ago to prevent tyranny and that we should return to it, post-haste.

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[Editor's note: donating is easy on Freeople - check it out] an r3publican donor

Buy Campaign For Liberty Tickets, MN Sept. 2nd

Ron Paul’s Campaign For Liberty: began selling tickets for the Rally For The Republic being held at the Target Center in Minneapolis, MN on September 2nd. There are many speakers lined up as well as some significant musical acts.

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Editor's note: I've got my tickets - how about you / It will be sold out quickly so don't delay on getting your tickets!/sc

Saturday, July 26, 2008

County Sheriff - Federal Sock Puppet or Guardian of Liberty?

What do you really know about those candidates lined up, trying to convince you that they alone possess the elements of primo Sheriff Material? This is not the race to ignore because the position of sheriff is no paper tiger. It still has plenty of muscle and if you pop the hood and take a closer look >>>

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[Editor's note: Questionnaire included with article - very useful!]/sc

Friday, July 25, 2008

Quizzing Candidates and Sharing the Responses - B4U vote!

a questionnaire for local candidates. I want to encourage everyone to find out BEFORE YOU VOTE and share the information with a few friends and family and neighbors. Join R3PUBLICAN group and help us take back our party and our country!

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Palace Prophets

Here's a critically important principle: In any “public/private partnership,” the state is always the senior partner. When Christian leaders are on Caesar's payroll, they have to render to him things to which he is not entitled >>>read more | digg story

[Editor's note: read it and weep for our nation - suggest repentance of a national order starts with personal repentance]/sc

R3PUBLICAN Announcement

New major announcement today!
Associated Conservatives of America linked up with Freeople online partnering with R3PUBLICANS there.  The Freeople site is simply amazing offering lots of grassroots tools for our candidates and our efforts for limited government. 

Please check it out today and while you are there be sure to register and join the group R3PUBLICAN.  We hope you will want to share this banner and links with your family and friends.  Be sure to get involved in your local primary races and help out candidates who are like minded. 

Be a part of the next phase of the r3volution!

Freeople Tools Enable Political Activism | Freeople

The launch of the Freeople website ushers in a new era of political activism. The site provides easy-to-use tools to help the American people, and those around the world, to promote the cause of freedom.

Site members can organize into groups, promote events and collect donations.

just some of the tools available on Freeople - join R3PUBLICAN group when you register there!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Intelligent Design, Evolution, Information and Purple People Eaters

What do intelligent design, evolution, information and purple people eaters all have in common? Well, they all took front stage at Freedomfest in Las Vegas last week when ID proponents Stephen Meyer and George Gilder squared off against Darwinists Michael Shermer and Ronald Bailey in debating whether there is scientific evidence for intelligent design in nature. 
Click Here For The Full Story......

[Editor's note:  Take time to listen to Meyer's podcast in the article - it is excellent and only about 17 minutes long]/sc

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What ANWR Really Looks Like

McCain could travel all the way to Alaska to see what ANWR really looks like, and after the visit he may change his mind about drilling there. Or he can save himself the trip and watch this video.Then again, if he skips the trip to Alaska, he’d miss out on a field trip with the governor, Sarah Palin.

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[Editor's note: A great video on ANWR! I have been working on this issue for a long time and hope that we will open it up to drilling now finally. It is an idea whose time has come! Thought you might want to check this out./sc]

Saturday, July 12, 2008

DE BORCHGRAVE: Attack plans spiked?

Is the United States heading into a deadly confrontation with Iran? Texas Rep. Ron Paul, the unsuccessful maverick Republican presidential candidate, warned millions of radio listeners this is now inevitable. He cited House Congressional Resolution 362, lobbied hard by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), as a "Virtual Iran War Resolution".

[Editor's note: stay tuned - this is important folks!]/sc

Monday, July 7, 2008

Conservative Host: McCain is 'Continuation of Bush Policy'

Yesterday, conservative radio host Michael Smerconish sat in for Bill O’Reilly to host the Radio Factor. He opened the show by discussing yesterday’s front-page New York Times story detailing “how the White House shifted its sights, beginning in 2002, from counterterrorism efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan to preparations for the war in Iraq.”

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See my comments on digg earlier today:

McCain does not equal Bush . . . I know it is hard to believe, IMO he is even worse. But if you choose to put him in office it will be with eyes wide open!  

Lest you think the solution is Obama - I did not say that either!!  

I am calling the nation to repentance. True repentance is turning from our wicked ways and asking God for His forgiveness. If you don't know what to repent of and turn from, ask God to show you His heart and to reveal Himself and His ways to you. He will do that for each person that asks. He will also do it for us as a nation - if we will but humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways. See II Chronicles 7:14 to ponder further and in context.  

Please turn to Him today and then see what He will do on our behalf.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Ron Paul on Fox Business News - July 2, 2008

Ron Paul on inflation, capitalism, Iran, the upcoming war with Iran, bringing our boys back home, and the solution to our economic problems. Editor's note: The media ignored him during the campaign. Now that all he warned about is coming to pass - maybe folks will listen. It is nice to see him treated with some respect at least and we can say we tried to tell you. It would be prudent to repent (turn around and away from our wicked ways as a nation) and ask the Lord to rescue us from the mess we have created . . . /sc

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Don't Want To Be A US Citizen? Be Prepared to Owe Big Bucks!

Congress just passed a new law that will stop your capital -- or at least a good portion of it -- at the border, should you decide not to be a U.S. citizen anymore. Is it, perhaps, in preparation for the possibility that Americans might rebel at the debt and taxes incurred by their government by leaving for lower-tax locales?  source:

Editor's comment: Are you free or in bondage (slavery)? Lest you thought that someone else was on the hook for $9 trillion and counting moment by moment - see the ticker  on and then see if maybe it is time we stop paying for unconstitutional wars and palaces in Iraq . . ./sc

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Special thanks to Wendy and Brady Wright

Over recent months, I came to know and love Wendy and Brady Wright.  Many of you did too.  We have a lot to thank them for and I am remiss to do that as it should have been done already!  So here's a very special thank you and a hat tip to some of their behind the scenes efforts over recent months!  

Did you know that Wendy does custom embroidery?  Well she does and she is very talented in her abilities to take your logo and place it on bags and shirts and hats that are simply divine.  If you need anything like that, please visit her website and give her a call and get your Christmas orders in early to beat the rush.  (Also to give her enough time to take time out for our trip to Minneapolis in September!!)  I for one plan on wearing all my wonderful Ron Paul embroidered shirts there at all the events.  Don't you know everyone will be glad we are still excited about the message of freedom and the constitution and glad to see us there!

The Republican party wants to hear from us so badly they forced us to hold our own rally in order to seat all our delegates that they didn't want to hear from this year.   I am guessing our rally will be more fun than theirs anyway, but I plan on going to theirs with my guest pass (since they would not send me as a delegate).  I will also be very vocal if they dare to stray from our platform or spend to much time cheering our nation-building wars and military involvement around the world at the cost of over 9 trillion dollars and counting. Boos at the convention in prime time are not what they want on TV so the speech writers have now been put on notice.

But I digress,  thanks Wendy and Brady for midnight calls, embroidered hats, great strategic planning, hours beyond belief for meetup events, and articles that crossed the globe - not to mention keeping all of us in high fashion at all the events!  

Blessings galore on you and your entire wonderful family.  I count it an honor to serve in the cause for freedom with you both.

Please take time to visit Covenant Embroidery to see more of Wendy's custom creations online.

Ron Paul's Excellent Minnesota Adventure

by Doug Wead

A beltway insider writes about how the Republican party has pushed out a million voters and what they are going to do to take the party back from the Washington crowd.  Big News.

“The Mouse that Roared: Why Ron Paul won the election!

by Doug Wead

Well now, Republicans say, we have a nominee. That may very well be but there was only one clear winner in the confusing GOP nominating contest and it was not John McCain. The winner was Ron Paul. And the effects of his win will be felt for years to come. 

Ron Paul made a classic political mistake. He told the truth . . .

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